2025 North Burnett Service to Sport

This is a preview of the 2025 Service to Sport Nomination form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

2025 North Burnett Service to Sport Award

* indicates a required field.


North Burnett Regional Council Australia Day Awards celebrate the extraordinary accomplishments and contributions of individuals, community groups and organisations across our region.

These awards recognise and pay tribute to those who have gone above and beyond to improve the lives of others and made our region a stronger, friendlier and more diverse community.

Before completing this form, please review the Australia Day Awards Nomination Guide, which includes helpful information on each award, criteria and nomination tips.  

Award Terms and Conditions / Eligibility Criteria

  • Nominees must reside in the North Burnett region. In exceptional circumstances, where this is not the case, the nomination must demonstrate how the nominee has made a significant contribution to the community and has a strong connection to the North Burnett region.
  • Nominations will be assessed against set criteria for each award category and nominations must demonstrate how the nominees meet or exceed the criteria.
  • Nominations cannot be carried forward from previous years. A new nomination must be submitted for the nominee to be considered for an award.
  • Nominees are able to be nominated for more than one award category; however, a nomination must be submitted for each category.
  • A nominee need only be nominated once for an award. Nominating someone multiple times does not add merit to their nomination and will bear no weight in the selection process.
  • Self-nominations are not accepted. All nominees must be nominated by a third party.
  • An award winner is only eligible to receive an award in one category.
  • Recipients of awards are ineligible to receive the same award within a five year period, however, can be considered for recognition in a separate category.
    For example: A person was awarded the Citizen of the Year award in 2023. They can be the winner of the Volunteer of the Year award in 2024, however, are ineligible to be awarded the Citizen of the Year again until 5 years have passed.
  • Council reserves the right to decline an award nomination if the nominee does not meet the award eligibility or criteria, if a nomination is incomplete or if information is incorrect.
  • The Awards Selection Panel will assess each nomination against the award eligibility and category criteria.
  • The Award Selection Panel reserves the right to consider a nominee under an alternate category if deemed appropriate.
  • The Award Selection Panel recommendations are final, and no correspondence will be entered into on the decisions made.
I have read the award terms and conditions and wish to continue with my nomination * Required

Information Privacy

Information Privacy Act 2009 collection notice – Council is collecting this information in order to process your nomination. This information will be accessed by the Australia Day Award Selection Panel (including parties external to Council). Nominee names and winners and their accomplishments may be released publicly including in local media, on Council’s website, Australia Day functions and may be used in future Council publications and reports.

Your information will not be given to any other person or agency unless required by law. If you provide Council with any personal information about another person, you should ensure that you are authorised to do so.